OUCH!!!! Just announced KtS to play Lexington’s Green Lantern 2.23.13(not for the squeamish)
ATTN: LEXINGTON, KY Unfortunately due to an untimely medical emergency, ampline had to cancel their upcoming show at the Green Lantern. Ampline was kind of enough to ask us to fill in for the Lexington show and we gladly accepted. So to help our brothers out, KTS will be playing the The Green Lantern Bar this Saturday 2/23 with FOOD (the rock band) and Vibrolas. We hope you can make it out!
Updated upcoming shows!!!
So here’s a list a shows coming up. Revisions will be who else we’re playing with. As of right now this could be it till fall but you never know.
The Comet w/Aperiodic
Northside, OH
Southgate House Revival w/ Ultrasphinx & 4th Wife
Newport, KY
The Green Lantern
Lexington, KY
Mayday w/ Sic Bacchus and Grazer
Cincinnati, OH
The Sinking Ship
Indianapolis, IN